19 Aug HRT and Help for Transgender Patients from Planned Parenthood in Alaska, Arkansas, California and Colorado
Hi Everyone,
Did you know that 18+ patients can receive Hormone Replacement Therapy at many Planned Parenthood Health Centers around the country? Check this list for the Planned Parenthood Health Centers around the country that offer Trans Health Care. Planned Parenthood also has some great educational programs related to gender identities, check the previous link or your local Planned Parenthood Health Center.
Even more importantly, did you know that Planned Parenthood offers many services, even HRT via telehealth? This means that if you are not physically close to a Planned Parenthood Health Center that offers Hormone Replacement Therapy, if that Planned Parenthood in your state has a Telehealth program, you don’t have to travel to a physical site to get HRT. If the center provides HRT via telehealth, typically a presciption for your hormones can be sent to you and fullfilled at a nearby pharmacy.
Planned Parenthood Health Centers are also great places to get to know because they provide many other important services. These services include sexual and reproductive health, screenings and treatments for HIV and STD’s, men’s and women’s health care, primary and preventative health care and often also many routine medical screenings for a variety of conditions. Planned Parenthood Health Centers accept many insurance programs as well as medicare, medicaid, and some can also help you identify an affordable insurance program or help you understand if you qualify for programs to help pay for medical care.
In these posts about Planned Parenthood, we’ll let you know which states have a Planned Parenthood Health Cener that offers HRT and whether they also offer that service by Telehealth
Alaska Planned Parenthood Health Centers are part of the Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands – PPGNHI. PPGNHI now offers Gender Affirming Hormone Care (HRT) at all 27 of their Health Centers in Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho and western Washington. Alaska’s (5) Health Care Centers are located in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Soldotna. Planned Parenthood in Alaska does not appear to have telehealth at the moment, but you may want to call the centers for an update as many centers have started telehealth to promote social distancing since the out break of Covid-19.
Arkansas has at least one Planned Parenthood Health Center that offers hormone replacement therapy, the Little Rock Aldersgate Road Health Center in Little Rock and HRT is also offered via Telehealth, so it is accessible to all of Arkansas. This service is not listed on their website, but was confirmed by phone with the Health Center. Use the link to set up physical or virtual appointments and get additional Health Center information. The Little Rock Aldersgate Health Center is part of the Planned Parenthood Great Plains organization.
California has an amazing (78) Planned Parenthood Health Centers that belong to (6) different Planned Parenthood organizations. The (6) Planned Parenthood organizationations are (1) Planned Parenthood of Northern California – PPNC, (2) Planned Parenthood Mar Monte – PPMM, (3) Planned Parenthood California Central Coast – PPCCC, (4) Planned Parenthood Los Angeles – PPLA, (5) Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, Inc. – PPPSGV, and (6) Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, Inc. – PPPSW. These offer different services and a few are fully dedicated to one service. Here is a run down of LGBTQ services in California Health Centers.
Planned Parenthood of Northern California offers Trans Health Services including Hormone Replacement Therapy and other services in select health centers. They request you call 1-800-230-7526 to find the health care center nearest you that offers Trans Health Services. PPNC centers are in Antioh, Clearlake, Chico, Carson and Concord and all offer sexual and reproductive health, men’s & women’s health to all patients as well as referral services for LGBTQ patients,
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte has 35 associated health centers (4) in Californi and (1) in Nevada are stated to offer Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy, availble at the site and by telehealth, click the link for details. The (4) sites listed offering Gender affirming Hormone Therapy in California are B Street Health Center in Sacramento – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Fulton Street Health Center in Fresno – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Westside Health Center in Santa Cruz – Hormone Replacement Therapy, and although it is not included on their page site PPMM identifies Merced Health Center in Merced as an additional location for Hormone Replacement Therapy. The remaining sites all provide sexual/ reproductive health and men’s & women’s health at the site and by telehealth. The sites and their locations are Barkersfield Health Center, Bakersfield, Woodland Health Center, Woodland, Family First Health Center, Fresno, Gilroy Health Center, Gilroy, Hayward Health Center, Hayward, Madera Health Center, Madera, Mateca Health Center, Mateca, Modesto Health Center, Modesto, Mountain View Health Center, Mountain View, North Highlands Health Center, North Ridge, Coliseium Health Center, Oakland, West Oakland, Oakland, Salinas Health Center, Salinas, Seaside Health Center, Seaside, Roseville Health Center, Roseville, Capital Plaza Health Center (service referrals for LGBTQ patients available), Sacramento, Fruitridge Health Center, Sacrameto, Manteca Health Center, Manteca, Eastland Plaza Health Center, Stockton, North Stockton Health Center, Stockton, Tracy Health Center, Tracy, Redwood City Health Center, Redwood City, San Mateo Health Center, San Mateo, South San Francisco Health Center, San Francisco, Mar Monte Community Clinic, San Jose, San Jose Central Health Center, San Jose, Blossom Hill Health Center, San Jose, Eastside Health Center, San Jose, Watsonville Health Center, Watsonville, Yuba City Health Center, Yuba City, Visalia Health Center, Visalia. The locations of all the centers can be found on this PPMM Health Centers Map link.
Planned Parenthood California Central Coast is is proud to provide quality, compassionate care to transgender, intersex, non-binary, and gender non-confirming patients through their Gender Affirming Care program. This program also has some great educational guidance on transitioning, self injection, etc.
PPCCC has (5) health centers in San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Ventura and Thousand Oaks. Click the link to this map to find the health centers. Lots of services are also available in virtual visits through telehealth. Make an appointment by calling 888-898-3806.
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles takes pride in offering expert reproductive and sexual health care. PPLA does not offer HRT at this time according to their website. For HRT, check with one of the other Planned Parenthood Health centers around California and take advantage of the telehealth programs if these sites are too far to comfortably visit.
PPLA has 21 Health Centers in the LA area click the link for addresses and phone numbers of the 21 Health Care centers, Antelope Valley, Palmdale, Planned Parenthood Basics, Baldwin Hills/ Crenshaw, Los Angeles, Bixby Health Center, Los Angeles, Burbank Health Center, Burbank, Canoga Park Health Center, Canoga Park, Carson Health Center, Carson, Compton Health Center, Compton, Dorthy Hecht (South LA) Health Center, Los Angeles, East LA Health Center, Los Angeles, El Monte Health Center, El Monte, Hollywood Health Center, Los Angeles, Lakewood Health Center and Planned Parenthood Basics, Lakewood, Ponoma Health Cener, Ponoma, S. Mark Taper Foundation Center for Medical Training, Los Angeles, Santa Monica Health Center, Santa Monica, South Bay Health Center, Lawndale, Van Nuys Health Center, Van Nuys.
Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, Inc. offers Transgender Healthcare which includes hormone replacement therapy at all of (6) of their Health Care Centers in person and via telehealth. The PPPSGV Health Care Centers are Alhambra Health Center, Alhambra – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Baldwind Park Center, Baldwin Park and Telehealth – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Eagle Rock Health Center, Los Angeles – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Highland Park Health Center, Los Angeles and Telehealth – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Glendora Health Center, Glendora and Telehealth – Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Pasadena Health Center – Hormone Replacement Therapy. A map to most of these centers can be found by clicking the map link.
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, Inc. has many services including general health care, men’s and women’s healthcare and services and reproductive and sexual health care and good information on transgender identities and health care. PPPSW does not offer HRT at this time according to their website. For HRT, check with one of the other Planned Parenthood Health centers around California and take advantage of the telehealth programs if these sites are too far to comfortably visit. PPPSW may also be able to give referrals to local health care providers who provide HRT. PPPSW has the following (7) health centers listed belwo and also provides telehealth. At this time, Transgender Health Services are offered via telehealth only. To schedule a visit please call 1-888-743-7526.
Chula Vista Health Center, Chula Vista, Coachella Health Center, Coachella, Corona Health Center, Corona, El Cajon Health Center, El Cajon, Imperial Valley Health Center, Imperial Valley, Escondido Health Center, Escondido, Moreno Valley Health Center, Moreno Valley.
Colorado has 18 Planned Parenthood Health Centers and telehealth associated with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains – PPRM. Although all offer sexual and reproductive health as well as general health care and men’s and women’s health care, only Denver Central Health Care Center offers hormone replacement therapy through their Gender Affirming Care program. Currently this program is not through telehealth. Telehealth is available for some services for some centers, check with the individual health centers.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains health care centers are Denver Central Health Care Center, Denver – Hormone Replacement Therapy, Denver Southeast Health Center, Denver, Park Hill Health Care, Denver, Alamosa Health Center, Alamosa. Arvada Health Center, Arvada, Aurora Health Center, Aurora, Boulder Health Center, Boulder, Colorado Springs Westside Health Center, Colorado Springs, Cortez Health Center, Cortez, Durango Health Center, Durango, Fort Collins Health Center, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs Health Center, Glenwood Springs, Granby Health Center, Granby, Greeley Health Center, Greeley and Telehealth, Southwest Health Center, Lakewood, Littleton Health Center, Littelton and Telehealth, Salida Health Center, Salida, Steamboat Springs Health Center, Steamboat Springs
About the author, Gayle M. Frankenbach, Ph.D. is the mother of a Daughter, Lise and a transgender son Elliott. Elliott and Gayle both passionately desire to care about and care for the trans community. Elliott and Gayle also both love the unbound creativity of the cosplay community. When we realized there is a big overlap between the two communities B.UR.SLF, LLC was born at the interface of these two great communities to serve them individually and together. Elliott and Gayle also enjoy running a trans son & parent business to be visible for parents on a journey to visibly support their own trans kids and be a great allies.